Seattle Librarians
Library Staff
The Seattle Public Library
We're librarians at Seattle Public Library...Read More
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143 ListsSeattle Librarians
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General Recommendations
Seattle Picks: Science Fiction
"A variety of recently published science fiction titles recommended by our librarians. Annotations by NoveList unless otherwise noted."
Genre Guide
Seattle Picks: Science Fiction 2024
"A variety of recently published science fiction titles recommended by our librarians. Annotations by NoveList unless otherwise noted."
General Recommendations
Seattle Staff Faves 2024: Fiction, Part 2
"Every year we ask our staff across the system for their favorite books published in a given year. Our staff are such voracious readers that we needed two parts for adult fiction this year! Enjoy this variety of fiction staff favorites, with annota..."
General Recommendations
Seattle Staff Faves 2024: Fiction, Part 1
"Every year we ask our staff across the system for their favorite books published in a given year. Our staff are such voracious readers that we needed two parts for adult fiction this year! Enjoy this variety of fiction staff favorites, with annota..."
General Recommendations
Seattle Picks: Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Fiction
"Enjoy a variety of recent fiction penned by Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander authors, selected by our librarians. (Created August 2024) Annotations from NoveList, unless otherwise specified."