Told through the voices of seven men and women whose fates grow inextricably linked, this breathtaking new novel, set during the Mahdist War in 19th-century Sudan, is a story of people who--against the odds and for a brief time--gained…
Seattle Picks: Historical Fiction
2 users like thisRecently published historical novels with a rich variety of settings and time periods. Annotations from NoveList, unless otherwise attributed. (Updated January 2023)

31 items
River Spirit
a Novel
The East Indian
a Novel
a Novel
The Trackers
a Novel
The Bullet Swallower
a Novel
This Other Eden
a Novel
The Great Divide
a Novel
A True Account
Hannah Masury's Sojourn Amongst the Pyrates, Written by Herself
North Woods
a Novel
The Beasts of Paris
a Novel
The Seamstress of Sardinia
a Novel
You've viewed 20 of 31 items