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LOST Book List Pt. 1 - Sawyer's List

These are the books Sawyer is seen reading throughout the TV show Lost's 6 season run. Sawyer was easily the most voracious reader on the show, and I feel it is only right he gets first crack at the list. There are too many books depicted on Lost to be able to list them all in one list. I have split the lists up into 4 easy to find groups.

10 items

  • "Bad Twin" is fiction within fiction. Sawyer read the manuscript of this book in season 2, but the actual book was later released as a spin-off. It is written by fictional author, referenced in Lost, Gary Troupe.
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  • A book about the crime of a man blowing up his house to kill his wife, and the feeling of justification that followed, much like Kate.
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  • Ben found this book in Sawyer's belongings in episode 6, season 6. More a reference to its title than its actual content.
    BookNew York : Ballantine Books, 1996, c1995.
  • A book Sawyer is seen reading all the way back in season 1. The book is about time travel and a missing father. It also has a number of references to the biblical character of Jacob.
    BookNew York : Farrar, Straus and Giroux, c1962.
  • Sawyer reads this in "Expose," season 3. The book contains a number of references to the episode, taking place on an island; bodies that are, in fact, alive; and diamonds.
    BookNew York : Berkley Publishing, 1991, c1969.
  • Referenced in the episode "The Whole Truth," season 2. A possible metaphor about the "new" Sawyer considering the book is for preteen girls to better understand their changing bodies.
    BookNew York ; Toronto : Simon & Schuster Children's Pub., 2001, c1970.
  • A very telling book when applied to Lost. Sawyer is seen with it on several occasions, and he refers to it as a cute story "about bunnies." Boone accuses him of stealing it. The story is an allegory about rabbits trying to survive many…
    BookNew York ; Toronto : Scribner, 2005, c1972.
  • This book appears a number of times, with both Ben and Sawyer quoting from it in "Every Man for Himself." Sawyer tells the Man in Black that it is his favorite book. A dark look into the inner mind of Sawyer, indeed.
    BookLondon : Penguin Group, 2006.
  • Sawyer is seen reading this in "Par Avion," season 3.
    BookNew York : Plume, [1994], c1971.